Project Description
Hydraulic Analysis and Bridge Sizing – Automax Hyundai Property, Tricore Group, Del City, OK
Name & Location: Automax Hyundai Property, Del City, OK
Responsibility: H&H Analysis and Design, Flood Proofing, Permitting
Owner: Tricore Group
Date: 2022
Design Cost: $15,000
Construction Cost: NA
LMRK was tasked to perform a full-scale hydrological and hydraulic (H&H) analysis and provide options for a bridge over Cherry Creek located on the north boundary of the Automax Hyundai Property in Del City, Oklahoma. The study was performed to address the need for obtaining a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) form the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and get approval from local an
d state regulatory agencies.
Effective, corrected effective, existing, and proposed hydraulic models were developed to satisfy FEMA requirements and bridge sizes for span bridge, reinforced concrete box (RCB), and a prefabricated bridge were submitted for the client review and use. The recommended bridges were designed to preserve the water surface elevations throughout the reach and eliminate the need for a regulatory map change.
Services included:
- Hydrological and hydraulic analysis and modeling
- Floodproofing design and mapping